AIM for Seva 2019 Appeal and Registration for Donor Appreciation Fund

AIM for Seva Appeal 2019
Thank You for making a difference in transforming a Child's Life.
We welcome any amount of donation you wish to make. All donations are exempt from tax under Section 501(C)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code. The tax ID # for AIM for Seva is 11-3573392
All donations go towards enabling a child’s education, books, healthcare, room, board, clothes, and all incidentals that a child needs
* Please Enter online Donation on this page
* Then if you wish to attend, please enter number of free pass requests along with your donation to Antar Yatra Event on Sept 28th, 2019.
Please visit our website at for information about the Programs and current activities.
If you wish to Register later for the celebration Event, visit this site at any time and click here to REGISTER
Detailed Instructions (if needed)
1. Enter amount of donation and press "Pay Now" button
2. For donating online with credit card please fill donation amount and click to progress.
3. To pledge (for paying later), please fill the donation amount and click "Check or Pledge" and follow instructions.
Please make check payable to “AIM for Seva” and post to this address.
C/O Vijay Kapoor, AIMS Director, Bay Area
28615 Matadero Creek Ct, Los Altos Hills, CA 94022
4. Enter Number of Free Passes requested to Antar Yatra Event on Sept 28th, 2019. Please see the allocation table below.
5. Select the cause for which your donation should go to. Options are:
(i) Select the group of FSHs that Bay Area is supporting
(ii) Select a specific FSH (enter in comments field)
(iii) In Honor of (enter name and other info in comments field)
(iv) Other (enter in comments field).
6. To create a bank e-check, please use the info as follows:
AIM for Seva, 28615 Matadero Creek Ct, Los Altos Hills, CA 94022, 408 476 1638
(if you need some Acc#, please email
7. For Bank to Bank transfers: please call 408 476 1638 for routing info and bank details.
8. Donate to "AIM For Seva" from your trust fund, donor advised fund or other philanthropic instruments. Contact us.
9. For online Rupee donations, please visit India website.
10. Rupee checks are accepted by us, but will be forwarded to India office.
Complementary Pass Assignment
Please note
- The Number of Passes are assigned by the amount of total yearly Donation as in the table below
- The e-passes will be sent to the donor's email, around Sept 15
- Please print them and bring them with you.
- These are pre-assigned FIXED seating in regions based on donation levels.
- Seating area allocated in the theater is based on Donation level and prioritized.
- Larger groups (e.g. students) will be seated together in separate area.
- Early registration reserves better seats in the category. Hence it is encouraged.
- Seat assignments will be determined two weeks before event.
- Please let us know if you require special seating considerations. Contact Sushma,
- The passes will be sent by email, Please print and bring to the event for admission.
- Will-call is available on site if you cannot print passes or have other issues.
Donation | Pass Allocation |
$50 | 1 Event Passes |
$125 | 2 Event Passes |
$450 | 4 Event Passes |
$900+ | 6 Event Passes |
$5000+ | 8 Event Passes |
$10000+ | >10 Event Passes |
Dont miss the show, REGISTER HERE