Guru Dakshina for Swami Viditatmananda, 2019


Swami Viditatmananda

Credit card  Guru Dakshina donations are accepted here for any of  Swamiji's  events in the bay area.

a) Evening talks on the very important chapter 17 of Bhagavad Gita   at the AVC Hall, 691 S Milpitas Blvd  June 24-27th

b) Lunch  satsang on June 23nd, also at the AVC Hall

c) Intensive weekend retreat at the Anubhuti Center

d) Other


Guru Dakshina are also accepted by check and payable to Arsha Vidya Center

Please drop the checks in the Donation box or  mail to Vijay Kapoor : 28615 Matadero Creek Ct, Los Altos Hills, CA  94022

Gurudakshina envelopes are available at the Hall.

All donations are exempt from tax under Section 501(C)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code. The tax id for Arsha Vidya Center  is 82-4431891

Many employers match gifts made to not-for-profit organizations. Matching gifts are an easy way to increase the value of your contribution. These programs may double or even triple your gift.  Please make your gift from this page and follow your company's process to access the matching gifts program.  For a list of companies that match employee charitable contributions please see Matching Gift Companies.

Please note that you can also make donations from your trust fund, donor advised fund or other philanthropic instruments.

We are indeed fortunate to have someone who is a Mahatma in our midst for one week every year. Swamiji's stature and recognition continue to grow leaps and bounds.  To study with him is to glimpse the timelessness of oneself, and to receive his grace and love. Swamiji is indeed a very special person.